Please join our network of inspirational women leading lives of significance. Herewith steps to join the SAORA LinkedIn group:
1. An active, updated LinkedIn profile is required.
2. Should you need to create a profile, log on to, complete all the required fields and click on “Join now”.
3. Once on your profile, in the top menu bar, click on the “search block” and type “South African Old Roedeanian Association”. The closed group should list.
4. On the right-hand side click on “Ask to join”.
5. A request will be sent to the administrators; shortly thereafter you should be added to the group.
A Blooming Affair – more winners
Nambita Mazwi and Paige Martin were both delighted to win the raffle prizes at A Blooming Affair!
A Blooming Affair – raffler winner
Lelon Prinsloo, who’s daughters went to Roedean, was delighted to be the winner of the raffle at A Blooming Affair. She won a wheelbarrow full of gardening goodies, which included seedlings, garden gloves, potting soil, compost, and many other garden items.
My Father’s Coat – talk by Michael Charton
SAORA, in conjunction with Marj Brown and the Roedean History Department, were privileged to host historian and entertainer Michael Charton, telling his story My Father’s Coat, on Tuesday 03 October.
Roedean has been busy with # Finding Our Story, the challenge of transformation, and this presentation was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
Old Girl Jane Asher 86-year-old swimming star!
Meet Roedean Old Girl Jane Asher who holds 23 swimming world records!
Click on the link to view her Time Out interview. |